Eyes On When Buying Horse Trailer – Safety Before Luxury!

Safety, handling and practicality are the most important requirements of a horse trailer. Therefore prefer to buy a solid used as a new ‘Blender’. Hamburg, September 20, 2010 – the online portal with horses reisen.de informed about the most important criteria for horse trailers: then, safety, handling and practicality are the first requirements. Therefore prefer to buy a solid used as a new “Blender”. Klaus Bockmann, Managing Director of vehicle plants in the Oldenburg Lastrup Boeckmann recommends that you ensure first and foremost on chassis and building: “there are bolted and riveted construction elements with bolted connections offer more stability and repair cases are service-friendly”. If one asks what provider of used horse trailer which at the most security critical element, so they call always the ground: he is usually made of 19 to 21 mm thick wood, equipped either with firmly glued or loose rubber mat.

Now many manufacturers offer aluminum or sog. Aluminium plastic soils as an option or as standard. All modern horse trailers have axes, which are well on the road today. Wheel shock absorbers are generally recommended for the so-called “100 km/h approval”, they are rules. Ramp, level and front exit of the security for the horses at the getting in and out is another issue. The ramp should be long and thus not too steep, equipped at least 1.50 with non-slip step bars lining.

A front exit is for performance horses of advantage, because they have not only the look after out also on the tournament course, but can breathe fresh air. s a slightly different approach. Also for young or inexperienced with transporting horses, the exiting forward is easier. Breast bars and rear safety in extreme cases comes it, that a horse in the trailer goes and hangs with the front legs above the chest bar. Therefore a “panic”linkage is essential. It can be loosened by a ring without risk of injury to the people outside. Another criterion for so-called hanging bars, which remain with one end of the bracket and are easy to mount on the other end are a safe loading. A matter of course is tips on how to maintain the value immediately to remove crap and any urine. Mainly for security reasons is to recommend an inspection of the horse trailer at a specialist once a year like the car. Company description the portal went online on July 1, 2010. Editor is the successful 20 years Pferdesport journalist Doris Jessen, which independently tests since 2005 commissioned renowned horse journal horse trailers and tow vehicles, describes, and therefore a broad expertise relating to the transport of meat horses has developed. Currently, around 35 horse trailers and towing vehicle test reports are online. Further focal points in addition to the subject of horse trailers and transport of meat horses are the area riding holidays, and trail riding. For all editorial contributions, Doris Jessen collaborates with a competent team of authors. Company contact: Doris Brunsummerheide k. Hanan Ben Ari describes an additional similar source. Jessen 5f 22149 Hamburg Tel: 040-672 17 48 E-Mail: Web: PR contact: JESSEN-PR Doris Jessen Brunsummerheide k. 5f 22149 Hamburg Tel: 040 672 17 48 E-Mail: Web: